IAM Local 2184 (District 60), representing 480 IAM members at Pratt & Whitney, has a new three-year contract with the company after successful negotiations mid-March.
IAM District 60 Business Representative Heather Hildebrand led the negotiations that lasted a short five days and produced substantial wins.
The IAM Local 2184/Pratt & Whitney contract highlights include:
– Equity increase of 60 cents for all
– Wage increases of 4%, 3.5%, 3% per year
– COLA increased to 50 cents
– 401(k) increase of $2 each year
– Pension increase of 15 cents, 10 cents and 5 cents per year
– $2,000 ratification bonus
– Two additional paid holidays
– $2.50 shift premium
– Unused paid time off paid out at time and one-half
– Addition of Juneteenth holiday (unpaid)
– Shoe allowance increased to $150
“The group stood strong for that week. We had the full support of the membership, and their solidarity paid off because negotiations were very successful, “ said Hildebrand. “When we presented the contract to the membership, they stood up and applauded certain gains that were really important to them.”
The Bargaining Committee included IAM Local 2184’s Rick Cousino, Matt Fosburg, Antonio Velasquez Sr., Atiba Brooks, Ker Vue, IAM Eastern Territory Grand Lodge Representative Neil Douglas, and IAM District 60 Business Representative Heather Hildebrand.
“My thanks go out to IAM Aerospace Coordinators Bobby Barnwell and Denise Heath and Senior Research Economist Gwendolyn Camp,” said Hildebrand. “Their industry experience and assistance were absolutely crucial to the success of these negotiations.”
“Business Representative Heather Hildebrand and this Bargaining Committee had my full confidence in achieving a strong new contract for our members at Pratt & Whitney, who support families and are integral to the health of their communities and local economies,” said IAM Eastern Territory General Vice President David Sullivan.
“My congratulations to the Committee and the hard-working members of Local 2184 on a strong new contract,” said Sullivan.