On September 15, IAM General Secretary-Treasurer Dora Cervantes was presented with the inaugural 2022 Pioneering Woman of Labor Award by Emerge, a leading organization that trains and mentors aspiring women leaders to get involved in politics and run for office. AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler and AFSCME Secretary-Treasurer Elissa McBride also received the award. The award
Read moreIAM General Secretary-Treasurer Dora Cervantes has appointed Chiqui Guevara to serve as a Grand Lodge Auditor. Guevara will service and assist District and Local Lodges in the Eastern and Western Territories. “We welcome Chiqui to the Grand Lodge Auditing Team and look forward to the contributions she will continue to make to our membership,” said
Read moreIAM General Secretary-Treasurer Dora Cervantes recently received the United Latinos of the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Champion of Justice Award at its Education Conference in Las Vegas. The award recognizes leadership that strengthens and supports Latino workers and the Latino community at large. Each recipient must demonstrate work that improves the lives of
Read moreMariaelena Fuentes, formerly a District W2021 organizer, has been appointed to serve as a Grand Lodge Auditor. Fuentes will serve District and Local Lodges in Auditing Zone 4, which covers Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. A member of IAM Local 2917 since 2007, Fuentes has served
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