Economic Data for New Brunswick

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Real GDP (a measure of economic growth) has barely grown since 2013, rising from $26 billion Canadian dollars in 2013 to $27 billion Canadian dollars by 2017.


From 2016 to 2017 the Private sector has added 1,400 jobs for a total of 353,000. Since 2010 it has lost 5,200 jobs and net total loss of 21,300 jobs since 2000, showing an overall decline in the sector but a recent recovery. Average hourly wages have grown since 2001, rising from $14.59/hr to $21.93/hr in 2017.

From 2016 to 2017 the Manufacturing sector has added 1,300 jobs for a total of 32,000. Since 2010 it has added 1,800 jobs but still had a net total loss of 2,800 jobs since 2000, showing an overall decline in the sector but a recent recovery. Average hourly wages have grown since 2001, rising from $16.24/hr to $22.87/hr in 2017.

From 2016 to 2017 Transportation and Warehousing employment declined by 1,800 jobs for a total of 17,300. Since 2010 it has lost 900 jobs and had a net total loss of 2,800 jobs since 2000, showing an overall decline in the sector. Average hourly wages have grown since 2001, rising from $16.49/hr to $23.09/hr in 2017.


The unemployment rate was 7.9% in May 2018, .2% higher than in 2017.


The Consumer Price Index (a measure of cost of living) has consistently increased since 2013, going from 123 to 131 from 2013-2017, slightly above the national average of 130. The Consumer Price Index for Housing is similar (going from 127 to 134 from 2013-2017) but below the national average of 136.

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