APRI is an alliance between labor and the civil rights movement. Today, it fights for racial equality and economic justice.

Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance: APALA is the nation’s first national organization of AAPI workers. It focuses on advancing worker, immigrant and civil rights.

Coalition of Black Trade Unionists: CBTU is an independent voice for black workers within the labor movement.

Coalition of Labor Union Women: CLUW unifies union women to face shared concerns. The coalition focuses on action on issues important to women workers.

Labor Council for Latin American Advancement: LCLAA represents 2 million Latino workers. The council organizes working people to protect the rights and expand the influence of Latinos.

Pride At Work: Pride@Work brings together the labor movement and the LGBTQ community in pursuit of social and economic justice.

*Council FIRE: Council for First Inhabitants Rights and Equality – “Lifting Our Voice to Demand Respect, Dignity and Prosperity for All!”