Thousands of Navy and Marine Corps veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan who developed post-traumatic stress disorder but were denied Veterans Affairs health benefits have been given a green light to sue the military, under a ruling by a federal judge in Connecticut. Read More Click here to view the original article dated November 16, 2018
Read moreThe US is Sending Its Addiction Problem Over the Border. It’s 6:20 in the evening when Dr. Patricia Gonzalez-Zuniga pulls her battered brown van to a stop. It’s the first time she’s set up her mobile health clinic on a weeknight, so she’s picked the corner across from the Oscar Galvan Rivera Shelter, hoping nearby residents who
Read moreIt was not until her third month of feeling unwell, in the fall of 2016, that Alicia thought to take an at-home pregnancy test. Until then, she assumed her fatigue and nausea were withdrawal symptoms from the Percocets she’d been dependent upon since the year before. “When some days you don’t get enough, you could definitely
Read moreUnused prescription drugs thrown in the trash can be retrieved and abused or illegally sold. Unused drugs that are flushed contaminate the water supply. Proper disposal of unused drugs saves lives and protects the environment.
Read moreHelping Hands: August 2018 Download This month we focus on securing financial accounts and some tips for safe shopping online. There are some excellent tips for readers. It his with a sorrowful heart that I must inform those of you who don’t already know that Rich Pascarella, IAM141 AGC, passed away recently. Rich was
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