In 1973, 409 employees of Dyna Electron Corporation and Land Air Corporation at White Sands Missile Range and Holloman Air Force Base became the charter members of IAM Local 2515 in southern New Mexico.
Through tough times they stood together and weathered many storms. Now, they celebrate their 50th anniversary.
“It’s an honor to represent a long history of committed union members,” said Local 2515 President and Directing Business Representative Ramon Martinez.
Though many of these workers have left us, Local 2515 charter members Jim Villavisencio, Luis Chavez and Joseph Robert “Bob” De Aresso were recently recognized for their effort in unionizing southern New Mexico by the Democratic Party of New Mexico and U.S. Rep. Gabe Vasquez.
“Local 2515 has done an exemplary job of representing the members and raising the standard of living for southern New Mexicans,” said Western Territory General Vice President Gary R. Allen. “I congratulate them on their 50-year anniversary and look forward to what they will achieve in the next 50 years.”