Arther Jackson started his career with United Airlines in 1987 in Chicago as a ramp serviceman. He also worked in Seattle and San Franisco where he got involved with the Union at Local 1781.
He was honored and privileged to serve their membership in many different offices, he was elected Shop Steward, Safety Committeeman Grievance Committee Person, Chairman of the Grievance Committee, Vice President, President, and Trustee of Local 1781 in San Francisco. He also served as a District 141 Assistant General Chairperson.
His first involvement in the IAM was as a shop steward, and he helped our members in resolving disputes with workplace issues on the job issues dealing with our contract.
As a safety committeeman, he conducted audits to make sure our members had safe working conditions. He assisted our members in reasonable accommodation, meeting to make sure they kept their jobs after getting injured. He attended many joint conferences held by our union with management.
As a shop steward, grievance committeeman, and chairman of the grievance committee, He attended and resolved hundreds of cases to defend our members rights under contract. Also, he was elected to over 20 District conventions as a delegate, and four Grand lodge conventions as a delegate.
As President and Vice President, he chaired monthly meetings of the Airport coalition with all the unions that worked at the San Francisco airport, assisted by the San Mateo labor counsel.
In his role as a District Officer, he attended all his Local meetings in San Francisco and Los Angles. He handled all third steps, arbitration and mediation hearing. He worked with the local committees to help resolve any issues they needed support with.
Jackson has helped organize thousands of new members with one of the longest ones at United Airline that brought over 20,000 members which was the largest in the airline industry, and the labor movement.
Jackson helped organize fixed base carrier at Swissport, Menzies, Jetstream and was the lead negotiator at SFO Swissport and helped them reach a first contract.
Jackson took over 15 classes at the Winpisinger Center which he used to obtain his bachelor’s degree in professional studies from State University of New York’s Empire State College.
District 141 appointed Jackson as an organizer in 2016 and he worked on the Jet blue campaign, due to covid he went back to work on the ramp in 2020.
In February 2022, Jackson was appointed as an Associated Organizer for the Air Transport Territory. In April 2024, Jackson was appointed a Special Representative in the Organizing Department.
Art is married to his wife, Arlene, and has four adult children and six grandsons.