CUTTING F-35 PRODUCTION WOULD BE A BLOW TO SKILLED AMERICAN DEFENSE INDUSTRY WORKERS: International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers President Robert Martinez Jr. argues that it’s time for Congress to ditch any F-35 cuts to preserve American jobs, while ensuring national security in a recent opinion piece published in Breaking Defense. READ: Cutting F-35 production would be a blow to skilled American defense industry workers Breaking Defense IAM CALLS FOR INCREASED FUNDING FOR
Read moreMACHINISTS UNION CALLS FOR ADEQUATE F-35 PROGRAM FUNDING: For 16 years, the F-35 Lightning II program has played a critical role in the American economy and national defense with nearly 300,000 total jobs supported across the F-35 supply chain nationwide, including thousands of Machinists Union jobs at Lockheed Martin. “Machinists Union members working on the F-35
Read moreFREEDOM, DEMOCRACY AND PRO-WORKER POLICIES WIN AT THE BALLOT BOX: Robert Martinez Jr., International President of the 600,000-member International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), released the following statement: “We are so proud that Machinists Union members from coast to coast joined millions of Americans to make their voices heard at a critical time for
Read moreNORTH DAKOTA CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION JOINS FIGHT TO SAVE 175 MACHINISTS UNION JOBS AT MOTOR COACH INDUSTRIES IN PEMBINA, N.D.: Approximately 175 members of IAM Local W384 (District 5) at Motor Coach Industries’ (MCI) Pembina, N.D. plant were told they will be out of work by the end of the year due to the company’s decision to close the facility. Now, members of the North
Read moreIAM APPLAUDS BALTIMORE COUNTY COUNCIL FOR PASSING MEASURE THAT FULLY FUNDS COUNTY PUBLIC WORKERS’ FIRST LABOR CONTRACT: The IAM applauds the Baltimore County Council for passing a resolution this evening that finalizes all remaining details and ratifies the first collective bargaining agreement covering about 460 Baltimore County Public Library (BCPL) employees. The council unanimously passed Resolution
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