Members of the International Association of Machinists (IAM) Rail Division, IAM District 19, affiliates of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO, and community allies will gather for an informational picket outside Union Station, 800 N. Alameda St., Los Angeles, CA. The members will gather to advocate for the passage of the Rail Safety Act to help keep the Los Angeles community safe. The proposed legislation aims to enhance safety measures for railway employees and communities while transporting goods and passengers.
Date: Thursday, Feb. 22
Time: 11:00 a.m.
Location: Union Station, 800 N. Alameda St., Los Angeles, CA. (In the square located in front of the entrance).
Purpose: IAM Rail Division members, IAM District 19 and allies will be holding an informational picket to draw attention to the importance of the Rail Safety Act, which introduces crucial safety measures to protect workers and communities.
The bipartisan Railway Safety Act (S. 576) focuses on vital safety measures and creates a significant step toward safeguarding railway employees and the public. It also would prohibit railroad carriers from imposing impractical deadlines on railcar and locomotive inspectors. This ensures inspections are conducted thoroughly and diligently, promoting overall rail safety for communities.
Additionally, the legislation mandates that only highly skilled and qualified personnel are authorized to perform inspections, specifically for locomotives and pre-departure railcars. This eliminates the risk of relying on operating crews or untrained individuals, contributing to enhanced safety in rail transportation.