Unionists that have stood on picket lines know you can see and hear a lot of things, but on March 1, Local 2439 (District 98) members witnessed a near tragedy.
These IAM members, employed by TCC Pennwest, had been on strike for a couple of days when things took a turn. A vehicle passed near the workers on the strike line, lost control, and flipped in the air several times – coming to rest against a nearby building.
They did what heroes do – they ran toward the danger and began to help the trapped driver and passenger.
“Dan Myers, a paramedic and Local 1842 member, was at the strike that day for support, and standing in solidarity with Local 2439,” said District 98 Business Representative Tony Polacci. “He rushed to the scene to assess the accident, checked vitals and comforted the victims until an ambulance and state police arrived on the scene.”
“Dan is a true unionist and is always the first to volunteer his time for all union activities and causes,” said Polacci. “Fortunately, no serious injuries were reported from the accident, and the vehicle lost control after it passed the strike line or this could’ve been a very tragic day.”
Thankfully, the driver and passenger will recover.
“We cannot stress enough that safety is the first priority to our members on a strike line,” said IAM Eastern Territory General Vice President David Sullivan. “This could have been a much worse situation. We are thankful it was not. We hope for the best outcomes for the injured motorists, and I am extremely proud of all the members who rushed to offer help.”
The strike line only lasted through that weekend, and on March 4 the company agreed to a tentative agreement that was ratified by members of Local 2439 two days later. Contract enhancements included: