It appears likely that there will be an IAM Grand Lodge Officer Election for General Secretary-Treasurer on Saturday, April 24, 2021. As indicated in the December 4, 2020 notice, we will provide specific information about all offices for which there is an election on or about March 1, 2021.
It is critical that members are aware of their right to request an absentee ballot and the process for doing so. Note that it IS permissible for members to request and vote by absentee ballot if they have safety concerns due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Click here for a U.S. Absentee Ballot Request Form. [En Español]
Click here for a Canadian Absentee Ballot Request Form. [En Français]
Absentee Ballot Request Forms must be received by Monday, April 12, 2021.
PLEASE NOTE: Absentee Ballots must be postmarked by Thursday, April 22, 2021 and received by Thursday, April 29, 2021. This provides an extra week from the timeline initially set forth in order to account for possible mail delivery delays.
Members are urged to mail Absentee Ballot Request Forms and Absentee Ballots well ahead of these dates due to delays with the Postal Service.
Click here for guidelines on distributing Absentee Ballot Request Forms. [En Español] [En Français]