Registration is now open for the 2023 Machinists Wood, Pulp & Paper Council (MWPPC) Conference from Oct. 25-29 at the Graduate Hotel in Eugene, Ore. The deadline for hotel reservations is Friday, Oct. 6.
A registration form and more information about the conference are enclosed in the conference call letter. Please complete the form and return it to the IAM Woodworkers Department, c/o Terri Kenealy at 9000 Machinists Place, Upper Marlboro, MD 20772, or email tkenealy@iamaw.org.
In addition, on the evening of Saturday, Oct. 28, retired Chief of Staff Mike Rose will be honored at a retirement dinner. Tickets are $175 each. Please contact Terri Kenealy at tkenealy@iamaw.org or 301-967-4555 for more details and to register.
The conference registration fee will be $125 per delegate and $75 for each guest and can be paid upon arrival at the conference. This fee will help defray the cost of the Machinists Wood, Pulp & Paper Council Conference.
Newly appointed MWPPC President Chuck Bennett will chair this meeting and direct the busy agenda. Council business will include Machinists Wood, Pulp & Paper Council Officer elections for President and Secretary-Treasurer, a host of great speakers, and a strong focus on organizing. Some of the highlights at the Conference will be a Guide Dogs of America/Tender Loving Canines Fundraising Event on Thursday evening, Oct. 26, and we will tour the Weyerhaeuser Cottage Grove Sawmill on Friday afternoon, Oct. 27.
If you have any questions about this conference, please contact Woodworkers Department Director Bob Walls at 301-967-4555.