Office of the International President – IAMAW International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers Tue, 09 Jan 2024 15:47:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Office of the International President – IAMAW 32 32 Derrick Battle Appointed Special Assistant to the International President Tue, 09 Jan 2024 15:47:15 +0000

IAM International President Brian Bryant has appointed Derrick Battle, formerly a Special Representative assigned to the IAM Rail Division, as a Special Assistant to the International President, effective Jan. 1, 2024. Battle, who initiated in Houston Local 2198 at Union Pacific in 2007, will handle special projects and interface with locals and districts. “Derrick has

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IAM International President Brian Bryant has appointed Derrick Battle, formerly a Special Representative assigned to the IAM Rail Division, as a Special Assistant to the International President, effective Jan. 1, 2024.

Battle, who initiated in Houston Local 2198 at Union Pacific in 2007, will handle special projects and interface with locals and districts.

“Derrick has the right discipline, demeanor and experience to handle any situation facing our districts and locals,” said Bryant. “He has a way of working with people, even in challenging situations, that will serve our union and our membership well now and into the future.”

Battle has worked his way up through the ranks of the IAM, serving as a Committeeman, Assistant Local Chairman, and Local Chairman before being appointed District 19 General Chairman in 2013, and was successfully been reelected every subsequent four years. Battle currently represented members at many railroads, including Amtrak and Union Pacific. 

In July 2022, he was appointed to serve as the Chairman of the Board of Directors for the IAM Veterans Support Benefit Inc. and as a member of the IAM Veterans Support Steering Committee.

Battle enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1987, starting his career in Fort Benning, Ga. He served multiple tours of duty, including in 1989 in Panama for Operation Jump Cause and in 1991 for Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm. His distinguished military career culminated in 1993.

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Peter Greenberg Appointed Special Assistant to the International President for Trade and Globalization Thu, 04 Jan 2024 18:47:32 +0000

IAM International President Brian Bryant has appointed Assistant Strategic Resources Director Peter Greenberg as Special Assistant to the International President for Trade and Globalization. Effective Jan. 1, this appointment reflects the IAM’s commitment to expanding its global role. Greenberg retains his current role as Assistant Strategic Resources Director. Greenberg, formerly a Senior Research Economist, brings a

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IAM International President Brian Bryant has appointed Assistant Strategic Resources Director Peter Greenberg as Special Assistant to the International President for Trade and Globalization. Effective Jan. 1, this appointment reflects the IAM’s commitment to expanding its global role. Greenberg retains his current role as Assistant Strategic Resources Director.

Greenberg, formerly a Senior Research Economist, brings a wealth of experience to his new role. Since joining the IAM’s staff in 2007 within the Strategic Resources Department, Greenberg has provided critical financial and economic analysis crucial for successful contract negotiations, effective lobbying, and impactful organizing efforts. 

The IAM’s Trade and Globalization Department contributes significantly to the IAM’s continued success in representing and advocating for its members worldwide. 

“Peter Greenberg’s appointment as Special Assistant to the International President for Trade and Globalization will increase our footprint and strengthen our ties in the global labor movement,” said IAM International President Brian Bryant. “He possesses both expertise and a deep commitment to the principles of the labor movement. Peter will do well in this new role as we ramp up our campaign to achieve a greater voice for unions and union members impacted by international trade accords.” 

Greenberg’s journey with the IAM began in 2000 when he joined IAM Local 2339-N in Newark, N.J., upon being hired at Continental Airlines. While working at Continental and serving as a local lodge officer, he pursued graduate studies at George Washington University in Washington, D.C., ultimately earning his MBA. Greenberg is the IAM’s representative to the Pride at Work executive board. 

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Office of the International President Tue, 17 Nov 2009 15:54:07 +0000 Providing the many services that keep the IAM a leader among North American trade unions requires the coordinated efforts of many people at all levels of the union. The International President, with the assistance of the General Vice President of Headquarters and the Executive Assistant, administers more than 15 departments at IAM Headquarters that provide

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Providing the many services that keep the IAM a leader among North American trade unions requires the coordinated efforts of many people at all levels of the union. The International President, with the assistance of the General Vice President of Headquarters and the Executive Assistant, administers more than 15 departments at IAM Headquarters that provide crucial services to support the union’s mission to better the lives of IAM members and working families throughout North America.

Meet the International President’s Department Staff

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Robert Martinez, Jr. Wed, 09 Sep 2009 00:00:00 +0000 Robert Martinez International President International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers As the 14th International President of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), Bob Martinez inherits a legacy that spans the history of the North American labor movement. Seasoned by his own 36-year union career, Martinez is committed to aggressively grow the

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Robert Martinez
International President
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers

Robert Martinez, Jr.

As the 14th International President of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), Bob Martinez inherits a legacy that spans the history of the North American labor movement. Seasoned by his own 36-year union career, Martinez is committed to aggressively grow the union and protect the contracts and careers of nearly 600,000 active and retired IAM members.

Previous to his January 2016 installment as International President, Martinez had served since 2013 as IAM Headquarters General Vice President (GVP) with responsibility for the William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center and the IAM’s Government Employees and Aerospace sectors.

A United States Navy veteran, Martinez began his IAM career in 1980 as a member of Local 776A in Ft. Worth, TX after being hired as an Aircraft Assembler at Lockheed Martin’s Fort Worth Division.

From 1980 to 1994, Martinez served in various positions with his local lodge before being appointed in 1995 as a staff member in the IAM Safety and Health Department. He also served as a Project Coordinator for the Re-Employment and Safety Training (IAM CREST) and for the Center for Administering Rehabilitation and Employment Services (IAM CARES).

In 1999, International President Tom Buffenbarger assigned Martinez to serve as the Southern Territory Education Representative with responsibility for training and education for IAM members in 14 southern states. In April 2002, he was appointed as a Special Representative and served in that capacity until joining the Executive Council in 2003 as the General Vice President assigned to the Southern Territory.

In addition to serving on the IAM Executive Council, Martinez sits on the executive councils of the AFL-CIO, IndustriALL, Guide Dogs of America, the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA), the Alliance for Retired Americans, the AFL-CIO Metal Trades Council, the Elderly Housing Development and Operations Corporation (EHDOC), America’s Agenda and the Economic Policy Institute.

Martinez was recently honored with Guide Dogs of America’s highest honor, the Gift of Sight Award, and the Cesar Chavez Award from LCLAA for his work on behalf of the Latino Labor Community.

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Rickey Wallace Wed, 09 Sep 2009 00:00:00 +0000 Rickey WallaceGeneral Vice President Rickey Wallace is a 35-year IAM member who initiated into Clarksville, TN Local 1296 in 1980. He became active in his local as a shop steward and was later elected Local President. In 1995 Wallace was elected as a Business Representative in the former District 155 (now District 711) and held

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Rickey Wallace
General Vice President

Rickey Wallace is a 35-year IAM member who initiated into Clarksville, TN Local 1296 in 1980. He became active in his local as a shop steward and was later elected Local President. In 1995 Wallace was elected as a Business Representative in the former District 155 (now District 711) and held that position until he was appointed Assistant Directing Business Representative in 2008. In April 2009, Wallace was elected District 711 President and Directing Business Representative.

Wallace has also served as the President of the Southern States Conference of Machinists since 2009

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