HPWO Partnerships

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  • HPWO Partnerships October 19, 2009


    Le processus de mise sur pied de partenariats d’organisation du travail à haut rendement élaboré par l’AIM vise à bâtir et à consolider non seulement l’AIM mais aussi les entreprises où nos membres travaillent. Les représentants du syndicat et de l’entreprise suivent dix principes directeurs pour créer leur partenariat. En comprenant et respectant ces principes,

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  • HPWO Partnerships October 10, 2009

    Decision Time Is Near – Negotiations Completed

    Decision Time Is Near – Negotiations Completed April 29, 2003 On April 24 and 25, the Union and Company met in Idabel Oklahoma to resume negotiations for a new contract.  During these meetings the Union made several proposals to save the Company money on health insurance costs.  The Union’s proposals were geared towards giving the

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  • HPWO Partnerships October 10, 2009

    Woodworkers and HPWO

    Throughout the turbulent 1990’s as waves of mergers and closures swept across the Forest Products Industry dislocating and disrupting the lives of tens of thousands of Machinist Woodworkers, the leadership of the Woodworkers struggled to find a response to these economic forces of change. The dramatic increase in the cost of timber and consolidations among

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