Engineering, Office Utility & Security

The Engineering, Office Utility & Security Department keeps the physical plant of the Grand Lodge in clean and safe condition, creating a professional workplace for IAM staff and a welcoming atmosphere for visitors.

Chief Engineer
Ken McCaw

Blaine Keys
Timothy Baird

Building Facilities Manager
Mike Dale
Assistant Building Facilitator
Darryl Holloway
Lead Houseperson
Toni Roberts
wills oliver sm
alt Security Supervisor
Oliver Wills
Security Guard
William Nichols, III
Office Utility Workers
Paula Dixon
Joey Hill
Brian Smith 
duvall web cynthia j holloway hunnell Office Utility Workers
Elliot Duval
Cynthia Johnson-Holloway
Debbie Hunnell 
11 31 2015 RicardoExum 11 31 2015 DiedreDavis 11 31 2015 AshleyBlaker Office Utility Worker
Ricardo Exum
Diedre Davis 
Ashley Blaker 
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