Sisters and Brothers,
Perhaps the greatest part of being a member of our union is that it gives us all a voice in our future.
As IAM members, we have the right—and responsibility—to stand up to employers and fight for justice and dignity on the job. Put simply, your union card means democracy doesn’t stop when you punch the clock at work.
It also means you have a voice in the direction of our union. Every four years, IAM members just like yourself gather to chart the course of our collective futures.
In September 2020, for the 40th time in the IAM’s history, more than 1,000 members, elected as delegates by their peers, will gather in San Diego for the 2020 IAM Grand Lodge Convention.
Our 131-year tradition of union democracy will again take center stage as we debate, then together make the decisions that will define our path forward as one united union of Fighting Machinists.
We only need to look back at the 2016 Grand Lodge Convention, when our membership boldly voted to affirm your rights by passing the Members’ Bill of Rights and reallocating our union’s
resources back into the field. We are now a bolder, more aggressive union that has grown more in the past two years than in the past two decades.
Just like our Sisters and Brothers who came before us, you can make your mark on IAM history by becoming a delegate to our upcoming 2020 Convention. In the next few months, every Local Lodge will be sent details on delegate elections. So, if you aren’t yet engaged in our union—now is the time to step up and make your voice heard.
You’ll see some of what’s at stake in this latest edition of the IAM Journal. We are continuing our proud tradition of exploring the skies at NASA, building the most advanced transit systems here
on Earth, changing the game for loggers in the forests of Maine and saving lives with our generosity and selflessness.
Your Executive Council and I are honored to serve each and every one of you. Together, let’s continue the progress we’ve made for our great union.
Bob Martinez
International President